100% Compliance Guaranteed

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Why Eclipse?

To be simple, trust the experts to handle your regulatory and compliance work so that you can focus on YOUR core business.

If you have a problem with your car, you take it to a mechanic, and if you need your taxes done, you probably aren’t going to ask your personal trainer for help. So when you need regulatory work…  Contact Eclipse

At Eclipse, all we do is Regulatory Compliance work…  and we do it well.

We have a perfect record on behalf of our clients when it comes to matters with the AER, AEP, OGC, SER and NEB.

Doesn’t it make sense to trust the experts to help you so you can focus on YOUR core business?

How can I be sure our company is 100% compliant?

Ensure that you have a 3rd party auditing your pipelines, facilities & operations.

At Eclipse, we see a lot of clients that have people sharing the regulatory workload, but almost always there is overlap (paying two people to do the same job) and gaps (work not getting done = risk) in work that needs to be done to ensure compliance.

Let Eclipse show you how we can help to get all your bases covered and save you time & money in the process.

Does Eclipse do pre/post Acquisition Audits?

Absolutely.  If you were buying a car, you do your homework, and if you are acquiring assets, it is just as important to understand the regualtory work that will be required to assimilate these assets into your operations.

Ask us about an acquisition audit.


Nobody has time to haggle over invoicing, so Eclipse has a simple system in place to ensure clients are happy with our rates & the work we provide.

  • Prior to beginning, Eclipse will always provide an estimate for any project.
  • Our final invoice will NEVER exceed 110% of the estimate.  (This provides an easy way for you to budget for regulatory work)
  • Any work that exceeds 110% of the estimate will not be charged.
  • In 2006, Eclipse came in under budget on 76% of our projects, saving our clients over $600,000 in the process.

Where can I go?

If you ever have regulatory or compliance questions, Eclipse is happy to help.  Simply send us an email, and we’ll point you in the right direction.


EPC or Eclipse?

Many producers leave their regulatory work in the hands of their Engineering firm, but this is not their core business.  At Eclipse all we do is regulatory and compliance work.

You trust a survey company to do your survey work, and a land company to handle your land work, so why wouldn’t you have a regulatory company doing your regulatory work?

It’s easy to get an approval, but getting the RIGHT approval ensures you are not at risk.

Give us a try, and you’ll be on the path to getting 100% compliant AND staying that way.


Typical Issues?

When we run an audit for a new client, we generally find a 20% of a client’s pipelines & facilities are non-compliant.

Some common issues include:

  • Pipeline Abandoned, but listed as Operating.
  • Pipeline or Facility licensed incorrectly.
  • Pipelines not licensed.
  • Downstream effects not considered


Meeting Deadlines

In the Oil & Gas world, time is money.  That’s why Eclipse will always provide a man-hour estimate & quote for the work we provide.

Because we only do regulatory and compliance work, we do a lot of the same projects on a regular basis.  Therefore we can do the work quickly & we know how long it will take to get the work done.


Who does Eclipse service?

Here is a look at some of Eclipse Clientele


Non-compliance Stats?

When Eclipse runs an audit for a new client, we generally find 20% of pipelines & facilities are non compliant.

This means that if the AER were to audit you… you are at serious risk of fines or being shut-in.

Minimize your risk, Contact Eclipse today